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Geri Dön

Mısra Ateşçi Sales & Marketing Specialist

Born in 1999 in Bursa, he started his academic life at Uludağ University, Department of Undergraduate Economics. Then, because she wanted to live in a city with more opportunities, she moved to Izmir for university in 2019. By transferring to Izmir Democracy University Undergraduate Business Administration department, she completed her academic career by graduating with the 1st degree of Business Administration Department. During her school life, she served as the chairman of the board of directors of the Business Club and Vice President of the Entrepreneurship Club.

She defines herself as a "social butterfly" and loves to communicate and talk to people. In her free time, she loves to explore new places and take photos. One of her hobbies is to shoot vlogs for her Youtube channel and to actively use social media on Tiktok and Instagram platforms. She started working at AdresGezgini for her interest and skills in the digital advertising industry.